Old Industrial Corridor

Video Demonstration


Old Industrial Corridor is an example scene. Material Tools was used to combine textures and add baked decals. Other free programs used to create this project include Unity3D, Blender and xNormal. Paid textures edited with Material Tools were included with Quixel Suite. Quixel Megascans also includes many paid textures of high quality that can be used in realistic looking projects like this one.

Blender is used to create 3D objects, high detail and low detail,
and to create 2D planes where you want decals to be baked onto the the object’s textures and a Mask image.

xNormal uses the high detail and low detail objects to bake high detail features into images
and uses the low detail 3D object and the planes to create a baked normal and baked UV Map,

Material Tools/ Rotate Normal Colors is used to correct the baked normal with the baked uv map.

Material Tools/ Buffer is used to clean up errors at edges

Material Tools/ Mask and Overlay is used to put images together

Material Tools/ Shadow Normals is used to dampen down unrealistically high reflections from shadowy areas of the object textures