Brick Material Red Rough-Hewn

This is a single material available for free on the Unity Asset Store. It was created with Material tools, mask and overlay from four other materials and a texture.

The materials used to make this were a rock, plaster, dirt, and another brick wall. The texture was a gray scale pattern simulating dirt spatter. All of these were put together in on run of Mask and Overlay with multiple calculation cells

  • I used the height map from the other brick wall as the mask between the rock and the plaster.
  • Then overplayed the other wall onto the result.
  • Then I used mixing with the dirt splatter pattern as the mask and the dirt material as the decal material to add a semi-transparent layer of dirt.
  • I repeated the previous cell a few times with different masking values and a different transparency values.

This Resulting package contains a single material and five Physically Based Rendering (PBR) textures used by the material. An example of the material being used in a scene contained is also included in the file named demo. Using this brick material is no different than any other material drag material onto a game object.